Grand Reptilian Council enlists Gendry Morales for $RPTC global domination

Reptilian Coin $RPTC
4 min readMar 29, 2021


As the dark moon of Draconis moves across the midnight sky, it heralds the announcement of the newest member of the Hail Draconis team: blockchain pioneer Gendry Morales.

Gendry with CryptoCats (Gendry is on the right).

A specialist in creative uses for the blockchain who has been working in the space for the past four years, Morales is perhaps best-known for blockchain no-code platform Flight Plan and for CryptoCats, one of the first NFT collections on Ethereum. Recently rediscovered, US$1 million went through CryptoCats contract in 24 hours in mid-March, generating an active Vintage NFT community and even a fanmade song.

Angered that they missed out on getting a CryptoCat of their own, the Grand Reptilian Council approached Morales who was quickly persuaded to join the Reptilian cause.

“When I met the Council, I was impressed by their vision for total world domination” said Morales.

“Normally when I want to push boundaries with a project people get a bit scared, but the Grand Council couldn’t wait to get started. I think they’re pretty serious about this blood sacrifice thing too.”

Saving puny humans, one NFT at a time

Morales has brought a strong focus to the NFT reward structures, integrating them together with $RPTC tokenomics and the rollout of the crypto-native animation series Hail Draconis. You’ll start to see her influence on the strategy in the coming weeks as more of the battle plan is revealed to the Horde.

“My work with Flight Plan exposed me to a constant stream of blockchain-based concepts, from art to digital twins of physical items and programmatic decentralised business models. It was three years of hands-on experience in what works, what doesn’t, and the nuances of creative concepts that fit well with blockchain.”

“My aim is to make Hail Draconis a co-ordinated and integrated experience between story, $RPTC and the release of creative NFT content. This is a unique project that brings together so much of what is special about the blockchain space. Much of it has never been done before, and I’m excited to be a part of its expansion into the cryptosphere.”

Cryptore in the latest Grand Reptilian Council Propaganda Campaign poster.

Morales’ ideas have already brought great satisfaction to the Grand Reptilian Council.

“I thought I was smarter than humans. But Gendry has forced my reptilian synapses to connect in ways unknown to my species.” added Cryptore, Master of Coin and member of the Grand Reptilian Council. “Gendry is not just a ‘dev’. She’s a next-level innovator, technologist and force of nature. With her on our side, things are not going to end well for non-$RPTC holders… ”

An innovator in the Cryptosphere

Morales’ first foray into blockchain began with CryptoCats in late 2017. One of the scarcest Vintage NFTs with only 625 tokens, it was among the first NFTs to hit mainnet before the ERC721 standard and before CryptoKitties. The team collaborated with Larva Labs, the makers of CryptoPunks, including creating a Punk Kitten in the set of tokens. When CryptoCats were rediscovered 238 Eth worth of cats were traded in only a few days and the cats have become a hot collectors’ item.

“Capitalising on the humans’ vulnerability to feline manipulation was an inspired choice” said Crucifore, Master of Prophecy. “Of course, my incredible foresight meant I could have done the same easily, if I wanted to. But the alignment of the planets advised me to take a long bubble bath instead.”

The launch of CryptoCats inspired Flight Plan, a no-code platform helping people build their blockchain concept from templates. This launched Morales’ wider work as a builder and designer of protocols and platforms to harness the ultimate nerdiness in the power of smart contracts and cutting edge technologies in the Ethereum ecosystem. Working with business, government and artists she has built wallets, fiat payment interfaces and full stack Dapp factory templates. Gendry’s knowledge in this space is extensive.

Morales leads a Game Theory and Mechanism Design workshop at Devcon Prague.

Lately Morales has been jumping between teaching, speaking and consulting as a creative technologist and concept designer in blockchain. She is a Devcon regular and international speaker at local and global conferences including Web3 Summit, and is serial hackathon prize winner competing against some of the world’s best in crypto. But her new role still has her pinching herself.

“It makes sense that there’s been a secret underground cabal running our reality this whole time. I’m so excited to meet some of the brains behind the latest world domination strategies. Mark Zuckerberg is probably at the top of my list.”

As the Prophecy reveals itself further, we will be making more announcements on your human communication platforms. There is no option now for your survival other than to join the Horde. Hail Draconis!



I’m Scriblore, your Komodo in the know and official scribe for the Grand Reptilian Council. Previously worked for Buckingham Palace, now honoured to be spreading the word of the One True Coin and bringing you the inside scoop on all things Draconis. In my spare time I like to listen to the tortured screams of the unworthy. Tweets @POTUS.



Reptilian Coin $RPTC

The world-wide Illuminati uprising is here. Our Reptilian Overlords are taking over and documenting their story right here on Medium.